Bootstrapping Basics
Part 1
‘Bootstrap’ comes from the 19th century figure of speech, “to pull oneself over a fence by one’s bootstraps” – an obviously challenging task. Nowadays, the term refers to getting into or our of a situation using existing resources. In the business world, it simply means starting a business without a lot of outside assistance. But how do you go about bootstrapping your business idea?Start With a Great Design
- Research – Gain familiarity with your market and how it is being served, by utilizing tools like Google and Pinterest.
- Talk – Discuss your idea with those around you, and analyze the feedback you receive.
- Design – Seek professional input for the design process. Find someone with experience in product development, who can help you create two critical tangible deliverables:
- Professional design sketches: a culmination of your product concept thus far.
- 3D Renderings: photo realistic versions of the formerly sketched concept.
Prototype Wisely
Now it’s time to convert your 3D Renderings into a file that can be manufactured!- 3D printing is a popular, affordable way to create a product before spending thousands on an actual mold.
- Other less expensive alternatives exist, such as soft tooling or CNC Milling for injection molded products.
- A great option as well is trying to modify current products to fit your product idea.
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