Professional Web Design Services | Pet Product Marketing
The Original
Tony Lytle, is the “Original” Doggie Fountain’s founder and inventor. He developed a unique and convenient method to quench your dog’s thirst!
Mr. Lytle asked us for professional custom web design services for the the Original Doggie Fountain’s website to achieve the ultimate goal of converting visitors into buyers.
Our website page designers started the project by reviewing the existing professional custom web design. This helped us to identify the reasons why the website was not converting visitors into buyers. Next, we determined the key benefits of the invention that appeal to the target audience. Then, we translated those benefits into written and visual content. We were in constant communication with the inventor to make sure that our professional web design services aligned with their vision. We also established the social media presence for the Original Doggie Fountain. Next, we developed the eye-catching visual content and a sitemap with a clear call to action (CTA). At the final stage, we integrated e-commerce functionality and connected the professional custom web design with all of the social media accounts.
Our website page designers provided a modern and functional website that allows visitors to easily find the product’s information. More importantly, they can now order the product with integrated social media and e-commerce functionality. Within a day of launching the new and improved website, Mr. Lytle received his first online order.