Up Builder Website Builder Application Development
Drag and drop website builder application, a web application development by LA NPDT. A solution to create and use websites under the users own terms.

ChaBlalKer: Kids’ Toy
Mr. Walker's prototype toys were took to create an optimize prototype, as well as an unique recognizable possible children brands.

XTER TEXTER: Mobile App Development
LA NPDT’s software development team had no issues developing a messaging app for both iOS and Android. While strategizing the marketing of the app as well.

Pet Product Website – Pawcet
We developed a pet product website for the "Original" Doggie Fountain and the new Pawcet! Together Tony and Quirky will make thirsty dogs history!

Website Migration Montgomery Roth
Montgomery Roth team approached LA NPDT for website migration and development. Their website was based on Umbrello and needed to be re-built on WordPress. It was critical for them to keep the user interface, the content, and the SEO intact.

3D Animation and Website Design – Spartan QA
Our team provided 3D animation service to Spartan Quality Assurance, a Lafayette based supplier of NDT and QA/QC services for Oil and Gas industry. We created an explainer video animation that was later integrated into a professional website developed by LA NPDT.

Product Launch – SaferUnion™ – Hammer Union Alternative
The SaferUnion™ is a hammerless union alternative to the conventional hammer unions that provides greater safety in dangerous working environments. LA NPDT has created visuals, brochures, website and commercial for R&H Machines, a manufacturer of the SaferUnion.

Design, DFM, Marketing – JJ’s Boot Jack
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) - JJ's Boot Jack, the best BOOT PULLER available today! Designed specifically to suit any personality in the family. LA NPDT helped the company with optimizing their design for manufacturing.

3D Renderings and Animation – Multi-Dispenser Fridge
3D renderings, sell sheets, and an explainer 3D animation was created for Stillwater Dispensers LLC. Now they can ensure everyone understands their vision!

Law Firm Website – Flaw & Order Legal Counseling
Flaw & Order law firm website is dedicated to helping people seek legal counsel involving biomedical devices, FDA approved drugs and sexual harassment. LA NPDT built a modern and visually appealing website that would effectively portray our customer's legal expertise.