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Tech Talk S02 E05: Akai Music Production Center, Fitbit Oxygen Level Monitoring, Hand Warmers for the Military
Tech Talk S02 E05: Akai Music Production Center, Fitbit Oxygen Level Monitoring. Akai is back in the limelight again. And hand warmers may soon be a thing of the past for those of you in the colder regions of the country.
Tech Talk E7: Microbots, Wound Tape, Extended Range WiFi
Nuclear power is one of the leading ways to meet the world’s energy demands. Engineers at MIT have developed a double-sided tape, that would allow surgeons to seal tissues together.
Mapping Your Product’s Success – How to Develop A Product Idea Into Bottom-Line Success
At LA NPDT, we turn your idea into a tangible product that benefits your bottom line. Our new product development process includes concept development, prototyping, testing, and product to market transition (commercialization). Our Scrum-based product development process is based on the cross-functional collaboration of our highly educated and trained multi-disciplinary team...