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Product Concept Statement: What Should You Include
Product Concept design is necessary for the early phase of product development where the conceptual design is planned. In this article, we discuss various aspects of concept design phase, such as technology, styling, usability and user experience.
Product Licensing: The Importance of Social Network Marketing
Product licensing through social media. As you begin to get the word out about your product, you need to be careful about getting your ducks in a row. Social media presents some unique challenges in this regard. There are a few things that you want to remember as you promote your product online.
Prioritization Matrix. How To Get More Done NOW!
Prioritization matrix. This concept might not mean much to you right now but its benefits are incredible. Increasing productivity in your workplace and personal life, creating and delivering your best work, and most importantly freeing up more time to spend with your loved ones. Learn all about it today!