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New Product Development Companies LA – 7 Reasons to Market Your Idea!
Marketing product ideas can be a challenging task. From generating interest using several different platforms such as face-to-face, online, and print media. Let alone the challenge of contracting product engineering services to handle the product's technical issues. Despite this, you must continue to succeed!
Design Optimization Services: Bootstrapping Tools and Practical Tips
'Bootstrap' comes from the 19th century figure of speech, "to pull oneself over a fence by one's bootstraps" - an obviously challenging task. Nowadays, the term refers to getting into or our of a situation using existing resources. In the business world, it simply means starting a business without a lot of outside assistance. But how do you go about bootstrapping your business idea?
Bootstrapping Basics
'Bootstrap' comes from the 19th century figure of speech, "to pull oneself over a fence by one's bootstraps" - an obviously challenging task. Nowadays, the term refers to getting into or our of a situation using existing resources. In the business world, it simply means starting a business without a lot of outside assistance. But how do you go about bootstrapping your business idea?
Grapheno is in the Final of the BioChallenge Competition!
Grapheno, a Shreveport-based startup that develops innovative graphene solutions was announced as one of four finalists of the BioChallenge competition.
Shreveport News about Grapheno and LA NPDT
Grapheno and LA NPDT were mentioned in Shreveport News ! Grapheno is a compound of grapheno and paint that functions as a conductive coating.