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New Product Development Plan, manage your invention development process
Every invention requires a proper development strategy & management to bring it to fruition, this is where the new Product Development Plan comes in handy.
Tech Talk E1: AI for Product Design and Development
Today we will be talking about Artificial Intelligence and its place in the world of product technology. The guys at LA New Product Development Team will provide you with the most recent, up-to-date tech news each day.
3 Interesting Halloween products
Over the years people have been trying their best to make Halloween scarier. Let's talk about our top 3 inventions here at LA NPDT.
Where Does Technology Come From?
How do managers acquire information about technology? A study by Richard Levin suggests there are seven principal methods.
Why Your Invention Needs Positive Online Reviews
Wondering how to market a new product or the best way to go about it? Read this article to learn more about how to do marketing research for a new product.
New Product Development Ideas- Top 7 Places to Look For
Lightning Never Strikes the Same Spot Twice – So We’re Giving you the Top 7 places to search for new product development ideas
Trending Products 2018 – Where to Invest – LA NPDT
The nature of the product development industry demands that it evolves continuously. It’s about innovating and standing out from the rest of your competitors. Now more than ever, there are product development trends that are changing everything.
Social Media Strategy: How to Promote a New Product
Are you wondering how to promote a new product on social media? There are a lot of social networks at the moment that let you create natural content that the average user can see in their newsfeeds and get attracted to your product. In this article, we will share a few simple steps to get you started.
Product Licensing: The Importance of Social Network Marketing
Product licensing through social media. As you begin to get the word out about your product, you need to be careful about getting your ducks in a row. Social media presents some unique challenges in this regard. There are a few things that you want to remember as you promote your product online.
Prioritization Matrix. How To Get More Done NOW!
Prioritization matrix. This concept might not mean much to you right now but its benefits are incredible. Increasing productivity in your workplace and personal life, creating and delivering your best work, and most importantly freeing up more time to spend with your loved ones. Learn all about it today!